Friday, August 28, 2009

Public Notice

Public notice to the White Oak Elementary Mom who drives a black Ford Escape who lives in Fairview Park Subdivision in Sugar Hill, Ga... Your child is in kindergarten now, they should not need you to park your car in the carpool lane, get out, walk a...round your car, open their door, unbuckle them, take them out of the car, hand them their lunch box, put on their backpack, hug them and kiss them and then proceed to get back into the driver's seat while tons of parents who have already learned to cut the apron strings are waiting for 5 minutes to get on with the few precious hours they have without their children. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

She just can't handle it.

So Caitlin came home today talking about how so-and-so didn't want to be her friend and wasn't letting another little girl be her friend either. After getting over the fact that this crap starts so young, I decided to offer a little advice.
I asked "Caitlin, Do you want to know the secret of how to have lots of friends?"
"YES!" said Caitlin.
So I proceeded to ask her if she could handle it. "Are you sure?"
Then I whispered in her hear "If you want to have lots of friends you have to be a friend to everyone and be nice to everyone."
She immediately jerked back and said "I can't handle that!"

Monday, August 10, 2009

1st Day of School 2009

Carissa and Ms. Rainwater
Ms. Brott and Carsten
Ms. Bobbie, Caitlin and Ms. Nicole

Caitlin was super excited to start school this morning, she did get a little nervous when we walked in the classroom. She grabbed my hand when we got in but quickly settled in. I can't wait to hear about their days! So cute!

Cristie Creme

The kids asked for donuts and sushi for the last weekend before school started.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I was sitting behind this at a red light and could NOT resist taking a picture. I was laughing so hard I could barely get the shot! This totally reminded me of that commercial where they show animals and owners that look alike. You can barely tell which was the human.

Daytona Beach 2009

My favorite picture

St. Augustine

The last night there was an awesome storm!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Camp Nonna Thurs. 6-25

Camp Nonna Wed. 6-24

Wednesday-Everyone but Wesley woke up very early. We had oatmeal for breakfast! We love oatmeal! Wesley woke up after we ate, he makes such a mess with oatmeal Nonna gave him cereal but he didn't eat much. We went to the theater to see Shrek 3. Carsten again said he already saw it and it was boring but he sure laughed a lot!! Like we usually do we waited until the theater was empty and then we danced in front of the screen. We went to Hobby Lobby where we all picked out something and then went and bought a pizza. We took the pizza to the park to eat and then we played. It was getting close to Wesley's nap time so we went home. When he was getting in the bed, Wesley told Nonna he loved his bed and went right to sleep. While he was sleeping we worked on our crafts. We then played with our tea sets. Carsten said he really wish he had one. Nonna reminded him of all the other stuff he had instead of the tea set but he said he would rather have the tea set! Carissa wasn't quite finished with her other crafts so she let Carsten play with her set. Wesley woke up so we hurried to put them up. Carsten and Wesley had swords so there were a few sword fights. Maddie and Carsten had a good time fighting and then Wesley wanted to try it. It was amazing how good Wesley was. He beat Carsten! We went outside to sword fight but Wesley and Maddie lost interest so Nonna fought Carsten. She also beat him in one fight, but Carsten won the next one. Nonna took us on a trailer ride. The little girl, Audrey from across the street came over and we went swimming. Caitlin told her that she stole her Nonna's name. They must have liked the sound of it because they kept saying it over and over. Even Wesley was saying, Audrey, look at me! Wesley could be happy totally by himself in the pool. While the others were playing games he kept jumping from the ladder and swimming around, singing most the time. He sang the rain came down the floods came up, I'm so glad when daddy comes home as well as various other lines from songs. He didn't really want anyone to mess with him. Wendi was right though, He does seem to poop or have a stink bomb in his diaper, as we call it whenever he swims. Maybe it is the combination of the 10 gallons of water he swallows and all his jumping, kicking and paddling. After we swam we ate dinner and had snow cones again. Wesley was ready for bed so off he went. We took a bubble bath and then started to go to bed. Calling home at night turns out not to be the best idea. It reminds us we are homesick sometimes. Carsten was esp. upset when he lost the bet that the Clanton child to die was not a police officer. He took it very personal. Knowing the other 1/2 of the discussion (How many boys and girls) didn't make him feel much better.

Camp Nonna Tues. 6-23

Tuesday- Today is movie day. We got up early as usual and ate a little breakfast. Carsten was happy because Nonna went to Wal-mart last night after we went to bed. She wanted to find a craft for Carsten but couldn't find a good one. She bought him a light saber. The rest of us understood we had our tea set craft and Wesley doesn't care. He is too young for a light saber! Wesley of course is always the last one up. Nonna had a coupon for a doz. Krispy Kream donuts. We went there around 9 AM and had donuts.
It was fun watching the donuts being made. We then we went to the movie. It was a good movie - Kit Kittredge and American Girl. Carsten said he didn't like it, but you couldn't tell that by the way he was watching it. It wasn't the kind of movie we get to cheer and shout but it was still good. We danced in front after everyone left. At first we didn't want to because there was a little boy sitting in the front row. Nonna asked if he was waiting for someone. He looked around and realized he was alone! He looked real scared and just then someone walked in looking for him. We guess they walked out without him! We went to Burger King for lunch and played on the playground. We were fussing too much so Nonna said we have to rest for 30 min. in bed when we get home. Wesley of course was happy to go to bed. So was Carsten! He didn't complain or say he wasn't tired or anything and he went right to his room. He fell right asleep! Caitlin fell asleep also. Carissa was not happy she had to rest for even 30 min. Maddie and Carissa didn't fall asleep so after about 30 min. they we able to get up. They went outside to re-do their tie-dye shirts. We let them stay in a long time so we hope this works. Maddie played in the hose and Carissa went in to read and watch TV. Caitlin and Carsten woke up and made their shirts. We then played in the sprinklers. Wesley woke up and had fun in the sprinklers also. Nonna let us have all the frozen pops we wanted so we had a bunch! We then went swimming. Poppa came home and we ate dinner. Caitlin said the prayer and in her prayer asked that Wesley could sleep good all night. Wesley yelled out in the middle of the prayer, "I'M NOT TAKING A NAP!!" Shows he was listening!
We were being really, really loud and Carissa suggested we play the quiet game. We were using hand gestures to show what we wanted. Wesley didn't understand the game but he was making hand and arm gestures like a sign language interpreter on crack and every 5 or 10 seconds yelling "QUIET GAME". Carsten started laughing and talking and said "OK, I know I'm not the wiener (winner) Nonna lost when she said, I think you’re a wiener! We had milkshakes and then it was bedtime. Everyone except Wesley read a little before going to sleep.